Document Type : Research Paper
- Mostafa Hosseini 1
- Mehdi Mohammadi 2
- Qasem Salimi 3
- Maryam Shafiei Sarvestani 3
- Massoumeh Mohtaram 4
1 Shiraz university
2 faculty member of shiraz university
3 Faculty member of Shiraz University
4 department of educational administration and planning, faculty of education and psychology, Shiraz university, Shiraz, Iran
Organizational tasks are becoming more dynamic and decentralized, and this characteristic requires organizations to rely on their talented employees to identify and solve problems. This has led to the fact that the level of proactivity and initiative of this group of employees becomes a determining factor of the success of the organization, because it can lead to the effectiveness of the organization and increase the quality of its performance. proactive behavior is self-directed and future-oriented action in an organization in which the individual intends to make changes in various dimensions, including changes in the situation (for example, introducing new ways of working, influencing organizational strategy) and or change within oneself (eg, learning new skills to cope with future demands). This feature highlights both a future focus (anticipation) and a change focus (taking control). Employees with proactive behavior play an active role, try to change/shape their work environment and react to the events that happen to them by adopting different behaviors.
Due to the fact that in this study, the explanation of Shiraz University's talent magnet model and the proactive behavior of its faculty members has been discussed, the research method is a correlational descriptive method. The statistical population of the research included faculty members of Shiraz University. 168 people were selected by random stratified sampling method from all academic staff members. To measure the level of talent magnet in Shiraz University, the university talent magnet scale (Mohammadi, Hosseini, Salimi, Shafi'i Sarvestani & Mohtaram, 2024) was used. To measure the proactive behavior of faculty members from the 11-item proactive behavior scale of Marler (2008) and Yi (2009); Bolino (2010) and Belschak, Den Hartog, & Fay (2010) were used. To analyze the construct validity of this scale, exploratory factor analysis was performed using principal component analysis with varimax rotation. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and structural equation model were used for data analysis.
The results of this section showed that Shiraz University has a relatively good ability to magnet talent and the faculty members of Shiraz University have performed optimally in the dimensions of group and individual proactive behavior. In general, university talent magnet is a positive and significant predictor of proactive behavior of faculty members. Based on the structural equation model, with the increase in the university's ability to magnet talent, the individual, group and organizational proactive behavior of faculty members increases.
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