Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of shahid chamran university of ahvaz,

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, P.O. Box

3 M. A. in psychology, Elementary school teacher, Ahvaz education office zone 1, Ahvaz, Iran


Formative assessment is a purposeful process that helps teachers and students identify their strengths and weaknesses and continuously improve the teaching and learning process. In this research, with a conceptual model, the causal structure between the components of formative assessment, competence and motivational beliefs, and science learning behaviors was explained. A sample of 469 high school students in the variables of teacher feedback, and adaptive teaching (components of formative assessment); Intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, and academic self-efficacy (components of competence and motivational beliefs); and science learning behaviors were measured. With the structural equation modelling, causal relationships between variables were investigated. The findings showed that formative assessment both directly and indirectly and through motivational beliefs (mediator variable) creates science learning behaviors and strengthens them. Also, the direct and indirect effect of teacher feedback on science learning behaviors is greater than the effect of adaptive teaching. The result is that the suggestion and feedback of the teacher when presenting the material if it fits the learning targets and expectations of the students, will increase students' motivation and academic self-efficacy, and the important consequence of this will be the creation of correct and positive scientific behaviors in the science classroom.

Formative assessment is a purposeful process that helps teachers and students identify their strengths and weaknesses and continuously improve the teaching and learning process. In this research, with a conceptual model, the causal structure between the components of formative assessment, competence and motivational beliefs, and science learning behaviors was explained. A sample of 469 high school students in the variables of teacher feedback, and adaptive teaching (components of formative assessment); Intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, and academic self-efficacy (components of competence and motivational beliefs); and science learning behaviors were measured. With the structural equation modelling, causal relationships between variables were investigated. The findings showed that formative assessment both directly and indirectly and through motivational beliefs (mediator variable) creates science learning behaviors and strengthens them. Also, the direct and indirect effect of teacher feedback on science learning behaviors is greater than the effect of adaptive teaching. The result is that the suggestion and feedback of the teacher when presenting the material if it fits the learning targets and expectations of the students, will increase students' motivation and academic self-efficacy, and the important consequence of this will be the creation of correct and positive scientific behaviors in the science classroom.


Main Subjects