Document Type : Research Paper
1 Member of the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
2 Master's student in History and Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
The purpose of the current research is to exploring the concept of child's agency and examine its place in the Document of the Fundamental Transformation of Education.
This is a qualitative research. The descriptive-analytical method was used to explain the concept of child's agency, and the analytical-inferential method was used to examine the position of the concept of child's agency.
The findings showed that the components related to looking at the child as an agent are: will and authority, freedom, being a thinker, being a doer; Child agency in the teaching-learning process regarding components such as children's active participation, possibility of selection by the child, lifelong learning, paying attention to the student-centered approach; And childs agency in the evaluation process refers to components such as formative evaluation, participation in evaluation, individual differences in evaluation, and self-evaluation. In the second part, the amount of attention to the components related to the view of the child as an agent in the Fundamental Transformation Document are: authority and will, (31.51 percent), freedom, (26.31 percent), being a thinker (17.10 percent) and being a doer (5.26 percent); The amount of attention to child agency in the teaching-learning process in the Fundamental Transformation Document are: active child participation (18.04 percent), child choice (21.05 percent), lifelong learning (6.01 percent), interaction between students and teachers (18.79 percent), paying attention to the student-centered approach (21.05 percent); The amount of attention to childs agency in the evaluation process in the Fundamental Transformation Document are: formative evaluation (35 percent), participation in evaluation (5 percent), attention to individual differences in evaluation (10 percent), and self-evaluation (40 percent).
Child agency is essential for early learning and that children have the right to autonomy and freedom and to fully participate in and influence the issues related to them. Due to the importance of this issue, it is expected that those involved will pay more attention to the child's agency in the upstream documents of education. Not hearing the voice of the students and not considering their abilities and controlling the children's freedom and authority too much can cause irreparable damage.
- child's agency
- teaching-learning process
- evaluation
- Document of Fundamental Transformation of Education
Main Subjects