Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor in Educational Sciences Department, Literature & Human Sciences Faculty, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


according to what was said, this research was conducted in order to answer the question, is the method of teaching mathematics based on Fulen's approach effective on the creativity and academic progress of elementary school students ?
The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population was male students of elementary school in Isfahan city in 2022. From the six districts of Isfahan city, one district and from that district an elementary school for boys were randomly selected and from that school, two fourth grade classes, each with 31 students, were randomly considered as experimental and control groups. The math scores of the students of the previous semester of two classes were recorded and in the next step they were asked to complete the creativity questionnaire (TTCT). In the following, the experimental group was taught this subject in one academic semester according to the math teaching method based on Fulen's approach, while the control group received conventional education. Finally, after the end of the academic semester, the post-exam was conducted. Data analysis was done using SPSS software and the method of covariance analysis .
The results showed that by controlling the pre-test scores of both groups, the math teaching method based on Fulen's approach to creativity and learning progress is significant and this teaching method increases the creativity and learning progress of students in math lessons. The results of the eta coefficient show that 51.9% of the difference in creativity and 47.2% of the difference in academic progress between the two control and experimental groups was caused by the method of teaching mathematics based on the Fullen approach (p<0.001) .
Therefore, the method of teaching mathematics based on Fulen's approach can be used as an efficient method in elementary school mathematics education .


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