Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor at Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 ministry of education

3 Alzahra University


Considering the high potential of reading literacy in influencing other fields of learning, reading instruction and its promotion play an important role in academic success. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to predict the reading literacy of Iranian students participating in the PIRLS 2021 based on student variables (reading self-concept, attitude towards reading) and teacher variables (school climate, school emphasis on academic success, teacher’s instructional limitations).
Therefore, the present research with a secondary approach to the analysis of PIRLS data among Iranian students performed. The statistical population of Iranian students in the PIRLS 2021 consisted of 1,348,842 fourth grade students from 43,697 schools in the academic year of 2019-2020, which were selected using a two-stage stratified cluster sampling method with a total of 5,962 students from 218 school.
Data analyzed through hierarchical linear modeling by spss and R softwre. The findings of the study indicated that at the student’s level, self-concept had a significant relationship with reading literacy, while the variable of attitude towards reading did not have a significant relationship with reading literacy. Additionally, at the teacher’s level, none of the three variables (school climate, school emphasis on academic success, teacher limitations) had a significant relationship with reading literacy. By adding predictor variables of the student level to the model, the inter-class correlation was 0.36, which means that 36% of the variance of the reading literacy progress score derives from inter-school factors. By adding the predictor variables of the teacher level to the model, the inter-class correlation again was 0.36. It means that 36% of the variance of the reading achievement score was caused by inter-school factors, but this variance was not caused by the three variables at the second level.
The results of this study highlight the importance of a self-concept in reading literacy and suggest that fostering confidence and positive attitude towards students can help them to improve their reading performance. Therefore, designing educational interventions based on improving students ‘self concept should be considered by those involved in planning educational system.


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