Document Type : Review
From the point of view of education experts, fostering "national identity" is not achievable through memory-oriented teaching of historical or national components. Rather, this goal is accomplished through the active participation of learners and their attainment of high-level objectives in both cognitive and emotional domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy. The “Community of Inquiry” is an educational procedure that provides the opportunity for active and collaborative learning by utilizing tools such as criticue, creation, and evaluation. From this perspective, the research problem focuses on investigating the possibility of teaching an objective and retrospective lesson such as “history” in Community of Inquiry; and additionally, it explores how to increase enthusiasm and connection with this identity-shaping subject through the cultivation of caring thinking in the Community of Inquiry.
The research employs an Analytical-Inferential method. Analytical method provides a detailed interpretation of goals and pathology of “Hystory”, cognitive and emotional domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy, caring thinking, and community of inquiry. Based on inductive logic, the relationship between the data and beyond the data, such as predictions about future data, and general conclusions about the data were inferred.
The results of this study indicate that increasing emotional sensitivity through historical awareness, the desire to embrace national identity, selective attention to the identity-shaping concepts in the history course, enthusiastically act to understand the national history, and valuing national identity occurs through the cultivation of caring thinking in community of inquiry; and it have a positive effect on the formation of the national and historical identity among students.
"Caring Thinking" is one of the higher order thinking skills that involve both cognitive and emotional goals. Lack of attention to these goals, especially in the history as an identity-shaping course, can provide the way for cultural invasion. The subject of history in schools is not merely a knowledge-based lesson, rather, it is an effort focoused on exploring sterategies for shaping a better future of human life, through objectives such as the development of student’s personality, identity, and thinking skills, and consequently in society as a whole. By employing active and reflective teaching approaches and cultivating various higher-order skills, especially caring thinking, it is possible to contribute to the formation and sustainbility of the national and historical identity of Iran's future builders.
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