Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Member of the Faculty of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.



The purpose of the current research is to understand the digital lifestyle of female students in Ahvaz city and the role of new technologies, especially the Internet and virtual social networks, on the digitalization of lifestyle. New technologies that have penetrated all social, organizational and individual spaces in human societies and have affected people's daily life, work and knowledge.
The method used in this research is "data base theory" as one of the main methods of qualitative research. The research data was collected through in-depth interviews and theoretical sampling with 35 students and related key informants and for data analysis from the 2015 edition of Corbin and Strauss, five methods of open coding and diagnosis. Concepts, development of concepts in line with dimensions and characteristics, data analysis for the context, entering the process into the analysis and integration of categories were used.
the result
After coding, 10 main categories and 28 sub-categories emerged from the data, and each of these main categories were fully analyzed based on the text of the interviews. The emerging paradigm includes three dimensions of conditions, action-interaction and consequences. In terms of conditions, communication means in the center of daily life, sharing; Online trust and connection, institutional chaos in the protection of users' privacy, personality-oriented components and in the dimension of interaction-interaction of the international platforms of identity development, the body as an arena for displaying the power of signals, virtual-oriented communication and In the consequences dimension, the challenges of privacy protection in digital life, digital resocialization and digitalization of everyday experiences have been formed, which after coding, in the form of 10 major coding categories and in the selective coding stage, extracting the core category of "multi-spatial" It led to the globalization of students, which is considered the central category of this research.


Main Subjects