Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asociate professor of university of tehran

2 Educational management & planning

3 farhangian University



In today's rapidly changing world, teachers play a crucial role in fulfilling and promoting educational objectives. The present research was conducted with the aim of identifying the self-development competencies of teachers.
The present research used a qualitative approach and a meta-synthesis method. All scientific documents found between the years 2016 to 2023, totaling 267 scientific documents, form the population of this research, which were found in seven foreign databases and four domestic databases. Ultimately, 22 scientific documents were selected and analyzed after reviewing their titles, research methods, and findings. The analysis of the findings was conducted using thematic analysis method, and in order to control the research quality, the analysis and review of documents were meticulously documented; furthermore, the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) tool was used to evaluate the quality of the findings by expert evaluators.
The self-development competencies of teachers were categorized in five dimensions of skills, abilities, knowledge, attitudes, and personal and professional organizational characteristics. The skill domain encompasses components of professional self-regulation, leadership in the teaching-learning process, professional networking, self-directedness, and technological skills. The ability domain includes components of self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, cognitive and emotional maturity, and the knowledge domain consists of pedagogical knowledge and extrinsic organizational knowledge. Enthusiasm for change and improvement, and occupational motivation are components included in the attitude domain. Personal and ethical professional and organizational characteristics are also identified components in the characteristic’s domain. In conditions of continuous changes and turbulent educational environment, the key to the quality of the teaching-learning process and the professional advancement of teachers is the Self-Development competence.
This research discovers the components of self-development competency, its results can be used to recruit and educate competent teachers and can be helpful in teaching and learning.
In the conditions of continuous changes and a turbulent educational environment, self-development competence is the key to the quality of the teaching-learning process and the promotion of the professional status of teachers.


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