Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The philosophy of education as one of the types of philosophies, as the output of human rational activity regarding what, why and how to educate, has appeared in various formats to effectively guide the educational actions and measures of various societies, and personal educational philosophy is one of these manifestations. With this opinion, the personal educational philosophy of a teacher has been mentioned in high-level documents and education policies, but it has not been investigated and researched operationally in Iranian schools. so; This research seeks to analyze the personal educational philosophy of Kangan city teachers in a narrative form.
This research is of a qualitative type that was conducted using the narrative research method. The research community was all elementary school teachers in Kangan city who were working in the academic year of 1400-1401. From this research community, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 15 of these teachers using the purposeful sampling method until the theoretical saturation of the data. Then, the data was analyzed by thematic analysis method with the help of MAXQDA software, and basic, organizing and comprehensive themes were extracted respectively. For the reliability of the data, the method of agreement between the coders was used, and for the validity of the findings, the method of review by experts was used.
The analysis of the findings showed 10 organizing themes and 21 basic themes. The most important findings of the research were: Paying attention to the components of ethics, self-efficacy, value orientation and creating a dynamic school for the teaching profession, taking into account the educational role (guidance, being a role model) along with the educational role (teaching and instruction) for teachers,seeking happy and conscious life as the results of education, pay attention to the strengths (external and internal) and weaknesses (cognitive, social and psychological) of students in training and create organization-oriented and student-oriented job incentives for teachers.
Therefore, the research can be understood that by formulating the personal educational philosophy of teachers, while the what, why and how of what teachers do in the classroom is revealed, it also gives us an opportunity to reflect on how to develop the status of teachers. Therefore, teaching teachers to formulate personal educational philosophy can make teachers involved in the development of their own situation.


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