Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Student Curriculum study, Faculty of Education, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Curriculum Planning, University of Birjand. Birjand, Iran.


The world is constantly changing, and to keep up with these changes, one must be a lifelong learner and have a natural desire to learn in order to adapt to change and enrich skills. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting lifelong learning.
The method of this study using the systematic review method. To achieve the purpose of the study, a regular and extensive review of the research background was conducted. For this purpose, databases of SID, Magiran, Noormags, Eric, Sage, Science Direct & scholar google were searched. After removing the articles disproportionate to the purpose of the research, a complete review was performed on the remaining 27 articles.
Finally, it was revealed that of regular review of research background led to the extraction of 4 general factors. Findings showed that individual, educational, socio-cultural and family factors are involved in lifelong learning. Individual factor including personality factors and mental agency; The educational factor includes factors related to the teacher, factors related to teaching and curriculum, and factors related to educational tools and facilities; The socio-cultural factor also included community relations, integrated team-based learning, and culture structures, and family factors including the relationship between the family and the university and the parent-teacher association. According to the extracted articles, among the many factors involved in lifelong learning, the individual factor and the educational factor are the most abundant. The socio-cultural factor is also the third factor that has the most frequency. Family factors are next, which are effective in lifelong learning. The findings of this study can provide appropriate solutions for education authorities.
Based on the results of this study, the effects of the individual, education, family, culture and society on lifelong learning awareness are reflected in the individual's motivation and learning goal, which directly affects the effectiveness of learning. As a result, there will be a guide to the general habit of lifelong learning. Therefore, lifelong learning policy, in addition to a high-level strategy, should create a positive conscious environment with sufficient learning materials and social conditions to stimulate self-learning initiative and strengthen self-directed learning motivations. The findings of this research can provide appropriate solutions to the guardians of education.


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