Document Type : Research Paper


1 Farhangian University

2 Graduate of Educational Psychology, Teacher of Education, Hamedan, Iran


Today, one of the most important tasks of education is to strengthen the excellent functions of the mind and to develop the depth of knowledge of learners. Strengthening the higher mental functions and cognitive development of learners is achieved through cognitive engagement and complex thinking. Involvement of learners in exploratory activities, problem solving, etc. provides the ground for their cognitive development. Through the Norman Webb Knowledge Depth Model (DOK), teachers can enhance learners' cognitive complexity.
This study aimed to present of curriculum model based on depth of knowledge to increase the level of cognitive complexity of learners. In this research, the method of document mining and categorical content analysis was used. The resources were studied and using the content analysis method, the main and secondary themes were identified, and finally, based on them, a curriculum model based on the depth of knowledge was presented. In order to validate, this model was provided to experts, and after announcing their opinions, the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was calculated, the results showed that the model in terms of Specialists is acceptable.
Based on the research findings in this model, four levels of recall and reproduction, skills and concepts, strategic thinking, and extended thinking, predicted and elements of objectives, method of action, activities and evaluation appropriate to each level, are introduced. In general, in the curriculum model based on the depth of knowledge, goals Included strengthening the skills of analysis, reasoning, judgment, decision-making, leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, flexible thinking, creative thinking and .... In-depth knowledge-based content tries to prepare the learner to face such situations in life by confronting them with complex and ambiguous situations. In-depth knowledge-based assessment is also in line with the curriculum, and the level of questions and activities is adjusted from low to high complexity.
In the knowledge depth model, learners engage in exploratory and problem-solving activities and often acquire what they have learned through mental effort and activity. Involve students in activities such as interpreting, predicting, inferring, classifying, analyzing, reasoning, criticizing, inventing, designing and executing, participating, researching, combining, Self-monitoring, critique, production and presentation contribute to their cognitive development.


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