Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty member of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran



This paper is mainly concentrated on the Alfred Schuetz perspective of phenomenology, which itself is affected by the symbolic interaction theory. Noadays, as a result of the scientific integration and interdisciplenary approach, the abstract sociological attitudes of the Continental Europe, tend to be combined and integrated with the more empirical orientation of the Anglo-Saxon view in social science. The present paper is a clear outcome of this synthetic approach. The main aim of this discussion is to explore the more or less marginalized life of children, through employing the social laws extracted from the formal phenomenological shapes of their actions. The survey is be based on the four-fold Weberian actions, and emotion.

اینگلهارت‌، رونالد. تحول‌ فرهنگی‌ در جامعه‌ پیشرفته‌ صنعتی‌. ترجمه‌: مریم‌ وتر (1373). تهران‌: انتشارات‌ کویر.
گنون‌، رند (1366). سیطره‌ کمیت‌، ترجمه‌ علیمحمد کاردان‌، نشر دانشگاهی‌، تهران‌.
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