
1 Faculty member, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 PhD, Student,; Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Dysgraphia is a term used to describe children who have specific difficulties in perception or production of written language. In order for this diagnosis to be made, an individual is assumed to display writing skills substantially below those expected, given the person’s chronological age, measured intelligence, and appropriate education. This disoder does not include those students who have learning difficulties because of visual, hearing or physical disabilities, mental retardation or poor environmental, social or economical conditions. Two goals were pursued in this study: investigating the prevalence of dysgraphia in primary schools of Ahvaz, and the effects of multi- sense therapy on reduction of writing difficulties. The experimental- control, with pretest- posttest design, was used in this study. The prevalence sample size was 4000 students (2000 boys and 2000 girls) selected randomly from primary schools in Ahvaz. Results indicated that the prevalence of dysgraphia was higher for boys than for girls (%7.6 for boys and %6.4 for girls). Also the results of ANOVA (repeated measures) showed that the use of multi-sense therapy significantly reduces dysgraphia. In addition, the effects of therapeutic intervention stayed after a month later.


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