
Faculty member, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



This study was conducted to realize two aims: 1) to identifi the spectrum of Shahid Chamran University students’ leisure- time activities, and 2) to survey how leisure- times are spent considering factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, field of study, academic performance, place of residince (on vs off campus) and place of birth of students. The statistical population of this study consisted of all students admitted to the University in 1378 (1999), from whom a sample of 640 students (300 male 340 female) were randomly selected The research data were gathered by using a purpose- designed questionnaire on the basis of students’ opinion survey. It was tested on 60 students before the final version was arrived at. The research data covers a wide range of activities extending from various sport activities to watching TV, reading for pleasures etc. Statistical tests show meaningful differences between male and female students across various activities with regard to both the kinds of activities and time devoted to them. Socio- economic status is also a source of some meaningful differences, particularly distinguishing between the interests of high vs low economic status students. Field of study, academic performance and place of living also demonstrated important differences. Female, students seem to face limitations regarding both leisure time facilities and access to them. On the basis of the data a number of suggestions have been made to improve conditions.


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