
1 Trabiat Modares University

2 Faculty member, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Education



This study was an attempt at documenting the unintended consequences and effects of the social climate (hidden curriculum) of Esfahan high shcools on the attitudes and behaviors of the students. To achieve this goal, using economic status as an index, three school districts in Esfahan City corresponding to the three economic categories of low, mid, and high status, were identified. From each district four schools were designated, from each of which 30-35 students were randomly selected to complete a researcher made questionnaire designed to assess the school climate. Based on the data, schools were divided into two categories; one category having open and another closed climate. Qualitative research method was used to study the characteristics of the two types of environments and their effects on the attitude and behavior of the students. Analysis of the qualitative data showed that schools with a closed climate; 1) encouraged submissive behavior on the part of students undermining their capacity for critical thinking, regarding academic subjects; 2) promoted individualistic work at the cost of group cooperation; 3) reduced students’ confidence and self-esteem. It was further discovered that submissiveness and tendency toward individualistic activity were more serious at boys’ schools than girls’. But the decline of self-esteem was more substantial in girls’ schools. Schools with open climate did not suffer from the above problems.


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