Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 MA in Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz


The aim of the research: Equal access to education for all means that everyone within the educational system has the opportunity and opportunity to succeed. Equally, equal educational opportunities means equal enjoyment and the equal chance of all students enrolling in the educational system and having a class, and appropriate training programs, specialist teachers, educational facilities and equipment. According to the annual reports of the Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of Education and Training of Khuzestan Province, many educational districts of Khuzestan province are inferior to the other regions of the country in terms of scientific and educational development indicators. This study aimed «Social Factors Affecting the inequality of education teachers in Khuzestan province« has been done.
Research Method
The present research method is «survey«. Hence, the data collected (questionnaire), population «primary and secondary school teachers of the province«, sampling (cluster), the number of samples «381«, the data analysis «software Spss23« and of time and space research «primary and secondary education courses first school districts in the province  of khouzestan from 1394-1395 and 1395-1396.
According to sociological studies, internal and external research backgrounds, exchange of views with relevant faculty members and scientific and executive experts, as well as pathological seminars and conferences in Khuzestan province in recent years, this research is one of a series of social factors affecting Educational inequality of students, variables such as «individual economic capital«, «parent economic capital«, «individual cultural capital«, «parent cultural capital«, «individual social capital«, «parents capital Social« Analyzed and evaluated.
The results of this study indicate that there is a significant and negative correlation between the independent variables of individual economic capital, parent economic capital, individual cultural capital, parent cultural capital, individual social capital and parents capital Social with dependent variable of students' educational inequality. The results of stepwise multivariate regression model shows that among the independent variables, individual economic capital, individual social capital, parents capital Social and parent economic capital variance of the dependent variable educational inequality students (R2 = 0/422) Are explained.


Main Subjects

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