Document Type : Research Paper


1 shahid chamran university of ahwaz

2 university of shahid chamran of ahvaz

3 professor of shahid chamran university of Ahvaz, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Faculty of Education & Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran. IRAN


The purpose of this study was determining the causal relationship between the perception of constructivist learning environment and individual systematic thinking with a tendency to lifelong learning, mediated by intrinsic motivation. The participants include 450 undergraduate students at Shahid Chamran University that were studying in year of 1994-95 and selected by multi-stage random sampling method. The instruments used included questionnaires "tendency to lifelong learning", "perception of constructivist learning environment", "individual systematic thinking" and "intrinsic motivation". To evaluate of proposed model was performed Structural Equation Analysis Method (SEM) and was utilized to test the indirect relations of Macro Prechere and Hayes program. Results: The evaluation of the proposed model of the study showed good and acceptable fit of the model. The direct effect of variables from the perception of constructivist learning environment, individual systematic thinking, and intrinsic motivation with the tendency lifelong learning was significant to positive. The direct effect of the perception of constructivist learning environment and individual systematic thinking with positive intrinsic motivation was significant to positive. The indirect effect of perception of the constructivist learning environment and individual systematic thinking on the tendency to lifelong learning, through intrinsic motivation was confirmed.


Main Subjects

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