Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Hormozgan University

2 Hormozgan University faculty member and head of university

3 Hormozgan University

4 Faculty Member of Mazandaran University


This research aims to identify the dimensions and components of the application of studying mathematical lessons in elementary schools of Mazandaran province in order to present a conceptual model. The method used in this research has been a sequential exploratory mixed method. The research community included the experts of the field of lesson study, all teachers of mathematics and principals of primary schools in Mazandaran province numbered 10700 people. Sampling method in the qualitative section, the method of desirable items includes 16 people and in the quantitative section, A simple random sample of 370 people. Data collection tools Deep and exploratory interviews and A researcher-made questionnaire (85 questions) was extracted from the interviews. The method of analyzing data in the qualitative stage of the data-based method and in the quantitative stage exploratory factor analysis, confirmation, And Friedman test. The findings showed that the dimensions of studying include human aspect, structural aspect, cultural aspect, managerial aspect and pedagogical aspect. Also, the results of Friedman's test showed that According to the respondents in this research, the first priority is the pedagogical aspect, the second priority is related to the cultural aspect, the third priority relates to the structural aspect, the fourth priority relating to the human aspect and the fifth priority to the management aspect.


Main Subjects

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