Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University-Science and Research Branch

2 Shahid Beheshti University


In education literature, motivation is considered a prerequisite. Education quality increase and educational progress of the learners require the motivation promotion. Many external and internal factors affect the learners' motivation. Recognition of these factors helps us promote the students' academic motivation in universities. This article attends to investigate the relationship of internal factors like attention, meaningfulness (the relevance of the material with their personal life) and academic self-efficacy with academic motivation. the research method is of a descriptive correlational research method. Statistical population of this research included the students of Human Science at B.A, level of Tehran Azad University. Sampling method is stratified random sampling of 400 people. In this research, Vallerand and et al (1992) Questionnaire on academic motivation and researcher-made Questionnaire on personal meaningfulness, attention and feeling of academic self-efficacy were used. The finding revealed that the three variable have a significant effect on academic motivation. The total variables explain the %37.7 of academic motivation changes. The variables effect on academic changes is as follows: Attention variable (Direct and indirect effect): .409 , Meaningfulness variable (Direct effect) : .399 , Academic self-efficacy variable: .361.


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