Document Type : Research Paper


The main purpose of this paper was to determine the basic and the explanatory components of distributed leadership model in secondary schools. In order to extract the main components of distributed leadership a quantitative approach and exploratory factor analysis of main components were applied. Participants were included 377 teachers (242 female and 135 male teachers) who were selected as in access sample from 31 of Sanandaj’s secondary schools. They were asked to complete a questionnaire which was developed by researchers during the research field work. The questionnaire reliability was assessed by internal consistency of the questionnaire reporting Cronbach's alpha coefficient which was 0.95. The findings of exploratory factor analysis showed that the model’s main components based on teachers’ views consisted of four dimensions including the school’s professional and development growth (utilizing of the individuals’ capabilities for their professional development), trust-based interactions (social interaction based on organization framework), democracy, and full support (decision making freedom and flexibility in work). These four components explained 59.036 percent of data variance about the model.


Main Subjects

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