Document Type : Research Paper


Member of faculty of Payam Noor University


The present study aims to design a conceptual model for commercialization of knowledge in the system of higher education with the study put the payame Noor University was carried out. Research method, is Qualitative and based on Grounded Theory with the systematic approach. The statistical population consists of all members of Faculty and specialized doctoral students' payame noor university. On the this research, theoretical purposive sampling method was used in such a way that using the 29 subjective (19 members of the Faculty and 10 doctoral students) the data required that to theoretical saturated were reached was assemble. The research instrument was also included half-structured interview. In order to analyze the data from the three-stage process of coding based on a systematic approach of grounded theory was used. The implementation of open coding process was led to the identification of the 133 concept (the initial open codes) and summarize their in the form of 8 main categories with 33 subcategories (the secondary open codes). Then, paradigm model based on the axial coding process in the form of the causal conditions (environmental capabilities), the contextual conditions (organizational capabilities), the intervening conditions (individual knowledge builder features, characteristics of productived knowledge and knowledge customers), the core phenomenon (knowledge commercialization), strategies (designing and implementation of facilititater mechanisms) and consequences (society of knowledge-based) were graph and finally, The conceptual ultimate model of research using the selective coding process in the form of propositions that had narrative the relationship between the main categories were depicted.


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