Document Type : Review


1 Bu Ali Sina University

2 Farhangian University


The main purpose of this study was introducing threshold concepts and their status in disciplines, and then introducing these concepts as a new horizon for research in curriculum. Threshold concepts theory was initially introduced by Mayers & Land in 2003. This theory is endorsed by troublesome knowledge, variation and reconstructivist theories. Threshold concepts provide requirements for deep understanding of disciplinary knowledge. Without learning these concepts, learners will be unable to learn effectively. Mayers and Land have proposed different criteria for identifying threshold concepts, with the help of them, we can identify the concepts in curriculum. Threshold concepts are expected to help teachers to develop significant changes in curriculum. Research in threshold concepts was initially conducted in higher education. Since the learners’ previous experiences play an important role in studies around identifying threshold concepts, the phenomenological research method has been used in most of these studies. Also, to solve teaching and learning problems arisen from these concepts, instructors, teachers, and researchers are recommended to use methods such as action research and lesson study.


Main Subjects