Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of education, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


The religious intellectualism, resulting from the
religious confrontation with modernity, has become one of the most contentious,
though influential, approaches in the contemporary Islamic world. This
phenomenon has also given rise to many controversial debates among the scholars
subscribing to different theoretical and ideological orientations.
These orientations have provided grounds for
the religious intellectualism in Iran to be labeled as different intellectual
waves such as Islamic revival, Islamization of knowledge with its very recent
trend recognized as an epistemological and philosophical orientation. The
recent religious intellectualism in Iran claims to possess the ability to adapt
religion to modernity and its components such as citizenship. The main purpose
of this study, first, was to verify the possibilities and capacity of the
recent religious intellectualism so that a program for educating appropriate
citizens could be drawn up. This research was conducted under a qualitative
paradigm using a descriptive-interpretive approach to analyze the data. The
results of the study reveal that the current intellectualism in Iran, with all
of its pre-suppositions and principles which prioritize epistemology over
ontology has been able to adapt itself, in many cases, to the assumptions of
modernity and modern citizenship thus making provisions for the realization of
the modern citizenship training.


Main Subjects

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