Document Type : Research Paper



This research was an attempt at comparing Farabi’s
and Heidegger’s views on being and their implications for education.
Based on the research
, four research
questions were
as follows: What are Farabi's innovations in the interpretation of Being in
Islamic philosophy? What are Heidegger's innovations in the analysis of Being
in western philosophy? What are the commonalities of and differences between
the views of these thinkers regarding being? What are the implications of the
results of this comparison for education? The methodology used was
descriptive – analytic
(comparative analysis) and deductive.
The findings show that the
main commonality of Farabi’s and Heidegger’s points of views about Being is
return to Being (existence) as against existents. Of course, for Farabi, Being
is hierarchical and value – laden. Also education for both Farabi and Heidegger
comsists in the realization of Being. Of course, for Farabi, the ultimate Being
is God's being, whereas for Heidegger it is the ‘self’ that is considered


Main Subjects

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