Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Shiraz University

2 Assistant Professor of Curriculum Planning at Shiraz University

3 Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The aim of this study was to study the relationship between college students’ individual and academic characteristics and their manifest needs and hope to meet them. So 245 undergraduate students (138 male and 107 female) were selected that involved at summer camps in Mashhad city in 2008. Tow questionnaires was used. One of them was constructed by researchers in based of Murray's manifest needs; and another one was Life Satisfaction Scale (Diner et al, 1985). Using descriptive statistics, T test, ANOVA and Pearson corr., the data was analyzed. Results indicated: Aggression need had the highest and affiliation need had the lowest mean. 1-  The female students showed higher mean than male students in power and Impulsivity. 2-  The male student showed higher hope to need meet in Impulsivity, power and Understanding and female students showed higher hope to need meet in succorance. 3-  There is no significant difference among students in manifest needs, in terms of their residence; but the students who live in dormitory showed higher mean in hope to need meet in autonomy and succorance. 4-  There are significant relationships among students’ academic average and their some needs, and hope to meet them. 5-  There is significant difference between manifest needs and hope to meet them. 6-  There are some significant relationships among students’ life satisfaction and try to better life whit some needs and hope to meet them.


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