Document Type : Research Paper
This paper aimed at a survey and comparison of the effect of teaching creativity to elementary school children based on Plsek Model. To do this, 275 Grade 5 elementary school students in 8 classes were randomly selected from two districts of Shiraz city .and divided into 4 experimental groups in the basis of the treatment each was to receive as follows: 1) Creative content and method, 2) Creative content, but ordinary method, 3) Ordinary content, but Creative method, and 4) ordinary content and method. (2 classes were arranged to each group) For this purpose the contents of 3 chapters of grade 5 science book along with the teachers' manual were designed based on Plsek model .In the next step, experimental group teachers received the required instruction. The research method was quasi-experimental, and Torrance pretest was employed then all groups received their respective instruction under experimental conditions. Finally, performance they were tested based on Torrance test. The results of factorial design ANCOVA and analyses showed significant difference among the creativity score of the groups. That is, the creative content group, creative method group, and creative content and method group showed higher creative performance than the other group.