Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of this research was to determine the model of relationship between leadership styles,decision making stlyles  and organizational trust with teachers' perceived organizational justice. The method of study was correlational. The statistical population consisted of all high school teachers of Iran's cental province of Esfehan. The data-gathering instruments comprised 4 questionnaires: Organizational Justice,Bass Leadership Styles, Decision-making Styles and Organizational Trust.The results indicated that transformational leadership by itself can explain 48% of justice variance. Based on B coefficient, proportional to an increase of one unit of comprehensive decision making, organizational justice increases by.584 unit. Further, the results show that trust in the organiztion by itself explains only 5% of the interactional justice variance, whereas with the inclusion of trust in administration and trust in colleagues, this figure rises to 13% and 15%, respectively. On the whole, the structural equation model indicates that the GFI index is .95 and that of the AGFI is .80, which bear witness to the goodness of fit of the experimental model of this reseach.
