Document Type : Research Paper



The goal of this research was the study of validity and reliability of revised short form of studying approaches to measuring the studying approaches of high school students. For this goal a sample was selected by the cluster method that complets the mentioned scale. This sample includes 310 students (155 female students and 155 male students) that 144 persons of them were studying mathematic and 166 persons were studying experiential sience. Internal consistency coefficients of each item measure between 30% and 71% by measuring the correlation of each item with total score of each approach. Conclusions of principle components studying, by varimax rotation show that similar to long’s  conclusions, strategic approach with all of it’s items load in one factor and each of  deep and surface approach items load in tow factors. So questionnaire (by omiting 2 items) includes 5 factor :strategic ,unrelated memorizing ,understanding the meaning, relationship of concepts, and fear of failure .In addition to the negative relationship between the surface approach and deep and strategic approaches and positive relationship between deep approach and strategic approach is the witness of scal validity .The Cronbach’s alpha and tes-retest reliability coefficients are in the suitable range and show the permanency in measuring the studying approach of high school students .
