Document Type : Research Paper



This study examines relationship between trust and enabling bureaucracy in schools. The method is descriptive-correlative and population comprises all school teachers in Sanandaj. The sample consisted of 260 teachers selected randomly. The instruments include two questionnaires borrowed from other researches: Trust Questionnaire (26 items) and Enabling Bureaucracy Questionnaire (12 items). Reliability was measured via Cronbach a (Trust Questionnaire = 0.85 and Enabling Bureaucracy Questionnaire = 0.72). Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient, independent T-Test and ANOVA. Results showed that trust was high among teachers. Enabling bureaucracy was related to trust subscales positively and significantly. There was a significant difference between men and women in the field of enabling bureaucracy. Furthermore, there was a significant difference among teachers with respect to student and parent trust based on social class of schools.


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