Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of this study was a comparative evaluation of the quality of personnel training cycle at shiraz university (SU) and shiraz university of medical sciences (SUMS).To conduct the study a questionnaire containing four sub-scales (policy making, curriculum planning, program management, and training evaluation) was developed and its validity and reliability were tested and verified. All university and college level administrators (65 SU, 75 SUMS) of both institutions and a random sample of trained personnel (100SU, 100 SUMS) participated in the study by responding to the questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed via repeated measure procedure. The following results were concluded: A significant difference was observed in the quality of personnel training cycle between the two institutions. At SU it was observed that "program management" ranks higher than other three sub-scales and "training evaluation" was evaluated lowest in comparison to other three sub-scales. At SUMS, it was observed that "policy making" and "program management" were practiced better than other sub-scales whereas "training evaluation" was evaluated lowest in comparison to other three sub-scales.


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