Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the present study was to study the social interactions in educational settings and their cognitive, motivational and affective outcomes. For this purpose, the model of relationships between motivational, affective, and performance outcomes with respect to the mediation effect of self-efficacy were analyzed. Participants were 273 middle school students (150 female, 123 male) selectedby cluster random sampling method from central areas of Shiraz City. Subjects completed scales of self-efficacy, academic motivation, positive and negative affects, feeling toward school and a math test. Results were analyzed by regression and path analysis methods. Findings showed that teacher and peer evaluation of students as the classroom social factors were the significant predictors of math self-efficacy. Self-efficacy was the unique factor which had a direct effect on motivational and affective variables. The influence of classroom social factors could affect dependent variables through self-efficacy. Also, self-efficacy and peers evaluation both had a significant direct effect in predicting math performance. Results were discussed in regard to theoretical issues. The results were consistent with the previous findings suggesting that self-efficacy judgments have a salient influence on the academic motivation, affects and performance of students


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