Document Type : Research Paper



The Purpose of this research is comparing the effects of constructivism and traditional teaching method on academic achievement in math( 1) among first grade high school boy students. The research method applied to this study is a kind of quasi-experimental. The target population of the study- Baghmalek City high school boy- students in 86-87 fifty students in two classes were selected randomly subjects were divided into two equal groups of 25 students each. The control group received instruction with traditional method, whereas the experimental group was exposed to a method based on) .Measurement tools of this study consisted of researcher- constructivism made academic achievement test based on instructional materials in math 1 and The Riven Intelligence Test. First both experimental groups were instructed and then at and a post-test were administered to the two groups. The results of the study showed that academic achievement in the experimental group receiving constructivism- based instrument performed significantly higher than control group, The intelligence variable was controlled.


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