Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the Van Hiele theory-based instruction Process on the students’ motivation toward geometry compared to the traditional teaching. Through using random sampling method, among girls high schools in Tiran and Karvan, Two high school classes, one consisting of math. Major students and the other science majors, were selected as experimental groups, while two similar groups were selected to act as control groups. Instruments included Raven test for intelligence evaluation, Math 1 grades, lesson plans data collected based on Van Hiele post-descriptive test of Geometry. The independent-samples t-test, Levene's Test, and ANOVA were used as the statistical tools. Results of this study indicated that teaching based on Van Hiele theory has more positive effect on student motivation compared to the traditional teaching. Before applying the independent variable, the groups were tested to make sure that there were no significant differences among them in terms of intelligence and ability of mathematic. But after the test period, there was a significant difference between their Geometry performance.


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