Document Type : Research Paper



In his scientific activities, Durkheim was increasingly pursing the issue that government through social intervention in moral planning, should utilize and implement social knowledge and sociology to establish social coherence and equilibrium. Dorkheim maintained the view that he was a pioneer who intended to reform the society by following social positivist codes (rules). He thought (assumed) that his commitment to moral and social reforms via improvement in the structure and content of education for the benefit of society, made him a sociocentrist (socialist). However, contrary to his alleyed reformative purposes his ideas were closer to the traditional conservative purposes, which involve, moral harmony and permanent hierarchy. In his belief, development must be in harmony with social order, not with human beings freedom, and he assumed that it was the duty of modern educational to realize this goal. Dorkheim's main concern was re-establishing social coherence and social harmony in the modern industrial world.


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