Document Type : Research Paper



In the second half of the fourth century Hejira, a group of Muslim philosophers, most of whom Iranian, formed a secret circle Basra known as "EKHVAN- UL– SAFA". M Basra They aimed to purge the religion from falsehood and superstitions with the help of philosophy. This group intended to reach objectives like: knowing God, discovering the secrets of universe and unity of universe. In order to fulfill this objective they attempted to train the youth and also designed an educational plan. Based on this idea they composed fifty one educational treatises in fifty areas of knowledge such as logic and mathematics, natural sciences, comparative and theological issues, and metaphysical problems etc and tried to train teachers in different territories. In this article the structure of the educational philosophy of this circle will be examined. It will be demonstrated that the educational ideas of this circle (or society) involve views that have received attention by philosophers and educators only since the dawn of the 26th century. Acquaintance of the ideas of these scholars could prove beneficial toward the reform of current education. Of course these views suffer from certain flaws which have been discussed.


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